单选题:根据以下内容,回答题。From: David Johnson <davidlove@nextdesign.com>To:

  • 题目分类:中国银行
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
From: David Johnson <davidlove@nextdesign.com>
To: Eric Anderson <andersonl618@adlove.com>
Hello, Eric. Thanks for your email. First, I'd like to say how pleased I was to hear that your company accepted our bid to design your new ad campaign. We will be using a subcontractor to handle all of the printing for this campaign, including pamphlets and signs. In the past, we have used a company called Quality Press. It is a subsidiary of Printco, and is quite reliable. I will send you a list of their estimated costs, along with a spreadtsheet outlining the revision to our proposed schedule.
Also, I have assigned one of our staff members to assemble a task for that will be in charge of consumer research for this project. Her name is Karen Lopez and she's a specialist in market trends. She will be mailing you a packet containing a summary of our preliminary market research later today.
David Johnson
What type of the company does Mr. Johnson most likely work for? A.A television station
B.An advertising firm
C.An accounting firm
D.A printing company


I extend my sincere___________to the family and friends of J

I extend my sincere___________to the family and friends of John Miller, who has


关于管理层次、管理幅度的说法,正确的有(  )。

关于管理层次、管理幅度的说法,正确的有(  )。A.一个组织管理层次的多少,反映其组织结构的纵向复杂程度 B.管理幅度的大小往往反映上级领导者直接控制和协调的业


下列项目中不可称为可变成本的是(  )。

下列项目中不可称为可变成本的是(  )。A.管理人员的工资 B.生产人员的工资 C.厂房机器设备折旧 D.场地地租


当经济衰退时,(  )。

当经济衰退时,(  )。A.央行在公开市场上购人有价证券 B.央行要降低再贴现率 C.央行要降低存款准备金率 D.央行在公开市场上卖出有价证券


汇率理论主要有(  )。

汇率理论主要有(  )。A.国际借贷说 B.汇兑心理说 C.利率平价说 D.流动偏好理论
