Two of the best.known examples ofneoclassical architecture are the U.S.Capitol and the White House,but otherexamples abound throughout the eastern United States as well as in Europe.If you classify neoclassical architecture into four Linemaincategories,the first might be the federalist style,exemplified by Charles (5)5Bulfinch’sFaneuil Hall in Boston.Thomas Jefferson’sMonticello is an exampleof the idealist style.1ess perfectly traditional thanthe federalist,but borrowing from Roman ideals ofproportion and beauty.Benjamin Latrobe’sBaltimore Basilica is an example of the realist style,which was more reliant on scientific principlesof proportion andline than on ideals of beauty or imitations of classical works.
(10)Finally,there was the GreekRevival style.Based on Greek rather thanRomanarchitecture and art.it was the preferred stylefor plantation houses,courthouses, and farmhouses from the Atlantic to the Great Lakes.Robert Mills’s U.S.Treasury Building in Washington,DC,is a good example of the style. For questions 8 to 9,select one answer choice each 。根据以上内容,回答题。
The passage indicates that the U.S.Treasury Building is
