不定项选择题:下列人民银行采取的措施中属于运用直接信用控制的货币政策工具是( )。 题目分类:中级金融专业 题目类型:不定项选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 下列人民银行采取的措施中属于运用直接信用控制的货币政策工具是( )。 参考答案: 答案解析:
All import cargo has to be landed at the customs port and sh All import cargo has to be landed at the customs port and should be removed out 分类:中级金融专业 题型:不定项选择题 查看答案
( )is a document granted by the customs authorities which a ( )is a document granted by the customs authorities which allows a vessel to st 分类:中级金融专业 题型:不定项选择题 查看答案