选择题:What kind of new program of service will the local

What kind of new program of service will the local post office offer?
A、 To offer free car parking
B、 To sell visit those who buy stamps in front of the post office.
C、 To send stamps to the buyer’s homes.
D、 To send letters to homes through letter box.

素填土若为堆积时间超过过( )年的粘性土,超过过( )年的粉土,超过( )年的砂土,均具有一定的强度

素填土若为堆积时间超过过( )年的粘性土,超过过( )年的粉土,超过( )年的砂土,均具有一定的强度和密实度,可以作为一般建筑物的天然
