选择题:Why did he want to find a shop open selling the Su

Why did he want to find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds?
A. A. Because he wanted to ask for help.
B. B. Because he wanted to ask where the garage was.
C. C. Because he wanted to ask where the call box was.
D. D. Because he wanted to buy something to eat or drink.

我国铁路货物运输品名分类,共分为26个大类,还另设有 和 两个品类,共计28

我国铁路货物运输品名分类,共分为26个大类,还另设有 和 两个品类,共计28个大类。


凭证审核模块应该提供( )审核方法。

凭证审核模块应该提供( )审核方法。 A. 静态屏幕审核法 B. 二次输入校验法 C. 人工 D. 机器 E. 快速


6、应急培训演练项目中包括( )。A、宣传教育 B、应急培训 C、管理制度 D、应急演练

6、应急培训演练项目中包括( )。A、宣传教育 B、应急培训 C、管理制度 D、应急演练
