
  • 题目分类:人文英语 1
  • 题目类型:选择题
  • 查看权限:VIP

Ten workers in China pushed their boss.s car three miles home after an office party because they were all too drunk to drive. The group was enjoying a meal at a restaurant in downtown Changchun, Jilin Province (northeast China). When the party was over, Boss Zhang Fei found that he was too drunk to drive. Then suddenly they realized nobody had stayed sober enough to drive his car.

Drink-driving was listed as a dangerous offence in China in 2014, esp. when the driver is drunk. Those who break the law will have their driving license revoked, face a heavy fine and may be put in jail. Zhang did not want to leave his car downtown and it was too late to call out another driver to drive the car for him. Someone then suggested they push the car home, and said that the exercise would do them all good. Thus, all ten quickly agreed and set off with Zhang at the wheel. All ten workers pushed their boss.s car home through the city streets, laughing and singing during the 45-minute journey. Passers-by were shocked to see the group.

Traffic officers said that as long as the car’s engine was not running, it would not be classed as drink-driving under the law. However, it is still very dangerous for so many people to push the car along the road, as it may cause traffic accidents.

1. ____________workers in China pushed their boss.s car home

法人是指( )。

法人是指( )。选择一项:A. 自然人B. 具有中华人民共和国国籍的人C. 合同双方的行为主体D. 具有民事权利主体资格的社会组织


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方差分析中若需考虑交互作用的影响,需进行 试验





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