单选题:Questions refer to the fol1owing email.Glenford Manufactur

Questions refer to the fol1owing email.
Glenford Manufacturing, Inc.
Official Communication
From: Scan Carmichael, Operations Department
To: Inna Tucker, Sales Department Manager
The monthly sales staff meeting has been re10cated from auditorium 3 to room 402.
Auditorium 3 will be undergoing repairs from April 8-15, which is why it will be unavailable for your usual meeting on the 10th.
Room 402 contains the same audiovisual capabilities as auditorium 3, but its seating capacity is smaller.It can only fit 65 people comfortably, whereas the auditorium can do over 100.
If this change is unacceptable, there are two alternatives.First, auditorium 2 is available on the afternoon of the 10th.It holds as many people as auditorium 3, but it has really outdated electronic equipment compared to auditorium 3.And second, if the meeting is rescheduled for after the 15th, the newly refurbished auditorium 3 will be available to you.
Please contact me or another member of the operations department if you wish to change your current room reservation.
Thank you and have a nice day.
What is the purpose of the memo? (  ) A.To communicate a change in meeting arrangements
B.To request the re10cation of a company event
C.To discuss the details of some construction work
D.To notify a manager of an upcoming staff reduction


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2013年6月6日,欧盟对产自我国的(  )征收11.8%的临时反倾销税。 A.农产品 B.太阳能电池板及关键部位 C.服装类产品 D.鞋类产品


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如果中央银行设定了一个利率目标,并决定长期保持这个目标不变,那么(  )。 A.中央银行不再能够控制货币供给,因为央行为了达到利率目标必须时时调整货币的供给 B


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原型内化的教学要求之一是活动在言语水平上先 __________ ,以后再__________。
