选择题:Recently the Department of Planning of New York is


Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of change of the city. In 1970, 18 percent of the city.s population was foreign-born. By1995, the figure had risen to 33percent, and another 20 percent were the US-born offsprings of immigrants. So immigrants and their children now form a majority of the city.s population.
Who are these New Yorkers? Why do they come here? Where are they from? (OK, time to drop the "they", I.m one of them.) The last question at least is easy to answer: we come from everywhere. In the list of the top 20 source nations of those sending immigrants to New York between 1990 and 1994 are six countries in Asia, five in the Caribbean, four in Latin America, three in Europe, plus Israel and the former Soviet Union. And when we immigrants get here we roll up our sleeves. If you.re not ready to work when you get to New York, says a friend of mine, "you.d better hit the road".
The mayor of New York once said, "Immigration continues to shape the unique character and drive the economic engine of New York City.” He believes that immigrants are at the heart of what makes New York great. In Europe, by contrast, it is much more common to hear politicians worry about the loss of ".unity" that immigration brings to their societies; in the quarter century since 1970, the United States admitted about125 mill

35[填空题,2.5分] 平行文是指平级单位或______的单位之间往来的公文。

35[填空题,2.5分] 平行文是指平级单位或______的单位之间往来的公文。


1949年3月5日到13日,新中国成立前最后一次中央全会——七届二中全会在( )举行。

1949年3月5日到13日,新中国成立前最后一次中央全会——七届二中全会在( )举行。选择一项:A. 北京B. 延安C. 井冈山 D. 西柏坡



项目是一定的管理主体在一定时期里的组织形式,所以只在短暂的时间内存在,所以具有临时性。()选择一项:对 错


( )中国历史上第一个资产阶级共和国诞生了。

( )中国历史上第一个资产阶级共和国诞生了。选择一项:A. 1911年1月1日B. 1912年1月1日C. 1911年10月1日 D. 1912年10月1日
