情感反应与现实刺激的性质不相称,这种表现称为( )。 情感反应与现实刺激的性质不相称,这种表现称为( )。 A.情感淡漠 B.意志增强 C.情绪倒错 D.意志减退 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
Questions are based on the following passage. Knowing that y Questions are based on the following passage. Knowing that you are paid less t 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
Baby boomers having longer life spans care both about their Baby boomers having longer life spans care both about their retirement requirem 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
Sting felt satisfied that all his children seldom requested Sting felt satisfied that all his children seldom requested anything from him a 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
银行业从业人员在使用本行电子技术设备时可以( )。 银行业从业人员在使用本行电子技术设备时可以( )。A.安装自己喜欢的各种软件 B.如果是为了工作.可以安装盗版软件 C.浏览其他银行网站的理财信息 D.给其他 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案