选择题:请阅读短文,完成此题。Polyester (聚酯 ) is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals and plastics company, believes that it is now beginning to break the grip of glass on the bottle business and thus take advantage of this huge market.All the plastics manufacture

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Polyester (聚酯 ) is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals and plastics company, believes that it is now beginning to break the grip of glass on the bottle business and thus take advantage of this huge market.
All the plastics manufacturers have been experiencing hard times as their traditional products have been doing badly world-wide for the last few years. Between 1982 and 1984 the Plastics Division of ICI had lost a hundred and twenty million dollars, and they felt that the most hopeful new market was in packaging, bottles and cans.
Since 1982 it has opened three new factories producing "Melinar", the raw material from which high quality polyester bottles are made.
The polyester bottle was born in the 1970s, when soft drinks companies like Coca Cola started selling their drinks in giant two-liter containers. Because of the build-up of the pressure of gas in these large containers, glass was unsuitable. Nor was PVC, the plastic which had been used for bottles since the 1960s, suitable for drinks with gas in them. A new plastic had to be made.
Glass is still cheaper for the smaller bottles and will continue to be so, unless oil and plastic become much cheaper, but plastic does well for the larger sizes.
Polyester bottles are virtually unbreakable. The manufacturers claim they are also lighter, less noisy when being handled, and can be reused. Shopkeepers and other business people are unlikely to object to a change from glass to polyester, since these bottles mean few breakages, which are costly and time-consuming. The public, though, have been more difficult to persuade. ICI's commercial department is developing different bottles with interesting shapes, to try and make them visually more attractive to the public.
The next step could be to develop a plastic which could replace tins for food. The problem here is the high temperatures necessary for cooking the food in the container.
Manufacturers think polyester bottles are better than glass bottles because they__________.
A.are cheaper
B.are more suited to small sizes
C.are more exciting to look at
D.do not break easily

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在完成“建设中国特色的社会主义”一课的教学后,两位教师分别对学生进行了学习评价。教师甲要求学生完成五道选择题和“为什么说邓小平是中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师?”的论述题。然后,教师对学生的作业进行了批阅与评分。教师乙要求学生课后分组收集计划经济时代的购物票证,如布票、粮票、油票、副食票等。然后,教师组织成果汇报会,并使用相关活动量表对学生进行评价。阅读下面材料,回答问题。(1)上述教师分别采用了什么评价方法 ?(2 分)有人认为,教师乙采用的方法会占用学生过多的时间,没有什么价值,你是否同意这样的说

在完成“建设中国特色的社会主义”一课的教学后,两位教师分别对学生进行了学习评价。 教师甲要求学生完成五道选择题和“为什么说邓小平是中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师?”的论述题。然后,教师对学生的作业进行了批阅与评分。 教师乙要求学生课后分组收集计划经济时代的购物票证,如布票、粮票、油票、副食票等。然后,教师组织成果汇报会,并使用相关活动量表对学生进行评价。 阅读下面材料,回答问题。 (1)上述教师分别采用了什么评价方法 ?(2 分)有人认为,教师乙采用的方法会占用学生过多的时间,没有什么价值,你



根据下列材料设计教学片段: (1)《义务教育历史课程标准(2011年版)》规定: 以张謇兴办实业为例.初步认识近代中国民族工业的曲折发展。 (2)课文摘录: 张謇是江苏南通人,清末状元。《马关条约》签订后,外国人纷纷在中国开办工厂、开采矿山,利用中国廉价的原料和劳动力,直接剥削中国人民。张謇深感要挽回中国的利益,必须发展本国的工商业。于是他提出了“实业救国”的口号。并身体力行,主动放弃高官厚禄,毅然回乡创办了大生纱厂等一系列企业。 从洋务运动到清朝末年.我国虽然出现了一些民族工业的萌芽,但这些民族工业往



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阅读材料,了解伽利略经典力学主要内容。 材料:伽利略,世界著名科学家,他既是物理学家、天文学家又是发明家,他发明了温度计和天文望远镜,是近代实验物理学的开拓者.被誉为“近代科学之父”。他是为维护真理而进行不屈不挠的科学战士。1564年2月25日生于比萨,历史上他首先提出并证明了同物质同形状的两个质量不同的物体下降速度一样快,他反对教会的陈规旧俗,由此他晚年受到罗马天主教会迫害。他以系统的实验和观察推翻了亚里士多德诸多观点。因此,他被称为“近代科学之父”“现代观测天文学之父”“现代物理学之父”“科学之父”及

阅读材料,了解伽利略经典力学主要内容。 材料:伽利略,世界著名科学家,他既是物理学家、天文学家又是发明家,他发明了温度计和天文望远镜,是近代实验物理学的开拓者.被誉为“近代科学之父”。他是为维护真理而进行不屈不挠的科学战士。1564年2月25日生于比萨,历史上他首先提出并证明了同物质同形状的两个质量不同的物体下降速度一样快,他反对教会的陈规旧俗,由此他晚年受到罗马天主教会迫害。他以系统的实验和观察推翻了亚里士多德诸多观点。因此,他被称为“近代科学之父”“现代观测天文学之父”“现代物理学之父”“科学之父
