选择题:二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the structure of attributive Clause and understand what the relative words or antecedents are.Ability aim: Students can use the attributive clause to describe what happened in their daily life an

  • 题目分类:教师资格
  • 题目类型:选择题
  • 查看权限:VIP

Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aim: Students will master the structure of attributive Clause and understand what the relative words or antecedents are.
Ability aim: Students can use the attributive clause to describe what happened in their daily life and make up more superior sentences.
Emotional aim: Students will be inspired to study both English and putonghua very well so that they can solve problems they will meet abroad by themselves.
Teaching Key Points:
Students acquire the clause structure and know the relative words as well as antecedents.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Students can apply the structure into daily communication and get the difference between relative pronoun and adverb.
Teaching Methods:题目来源于考生回忆
Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.
Teaching Aids:
PPT, Blackboard and so on
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up
2.Review: Show students two sentences. One is an adverbial clause of place that linked by where and the other is an attributive clause that also linked by where Where there is a will there is a way. Let them find out the differences or similarities between them and lead to what we’re going to learn today.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Read the passage briefly and and answer 3 questions. Where is the Ocean park? Who helped us? How was the ride? To lead the three underlined parts Then write down the three sentences students choose from the passage after reading.
2.Explain the common parts of these three sentences and show the structure of attributive clause.
3.Tell students that when the antecedent is a person or an object, we should choose different relative words. Also, they should understand the difference between attributive clause linked by where and the adverbial clause of place linked by where.题目来源于考生回忆
Step 3: Practice
1. Give them some sentences with blankets and let them choose the proper relative words.
2. Show them several clauses and find out which are attributive clauses.
Step 4: Production
Discussion and share: students work in pairs to describe their travel by using attributive clauses; teacher will give them 5 minutes to prepare it and 5 minutes later, invite some students to share their experiences.
Step 5: Summary & Homework
Summary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.
Homework:students find more rules about attributive clauses and prepare for the next class.
Blackboard design:





一、考题回顾题目:《心脏的结构》内容:基本要求:(1) 要有适当的板书。(2) 要有小组合作环节。(3) 请在10分钟内完成上述任务。二、考题解析【教学过程】(一)导入新课生活实例导入:大家平时喜欢运动吗?运动完之后,你有什么感觉?(感觉到心脏狂跳不止,呼吸也非常急促。)教师继续追问:剧烈运动时心跳加快,其意义是什么?这与心脏的结构和功能密不可分,那么心脏的结构和功能究竟是什么呢?引出课题。(二)新课展开(1)心脏在身体的部位。将手按住胸部左侧,大家能感受到心脏在跳动吗?心脏在我们身体内何处呢?(心脏位于

一、考题回顾 题目:《心脏的结构》 内容: 基本要求: (1) 要有适当的板书。 (2) 要有小组合作环节。 (3) 请在10分钟内完成上述任务。 二、考题解析 【教学过程】 (一)导入新课 生活实例导入:大家平时喜欢运动吗?运动完之后,你有什么感觉?(感觉到心脏狂跳不止,呼吸也非常急促。) 教师继续追问:剧烈运动时心跳加快,其意义是什么?这与心脏的结构和功能密不可分,那么心脏的结构和功能究竟是什么呢?引出课题。 (二)新课展开 (1)心脏在身体的部位。将手按住胸部左侧,大家能感受到心脏在跳动吗?心脏



高中生物《维持血压稳态的负反馈调节》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教学过程】 (一)联系生活,导入新课 用PPT出示高血压人群的病状反应,询问同学们,生活中很多人是高血压,高血压是由哪些因素导致的呢?那我们正常人的血压为什么不高呢?我们人体的血压是怎样调节才能保持相对稳定呢?题目来源于考生回忆 让同学们思考问题,并带着问题进行学习,维持血稳态的负反馈调节(板书)。 (二)新课讲授 血压是心脏和血管功能的体现,那动脉血压是怎样形成的?学生自学找出答案。(脉血压的形成主要是心室射血和外周阻力相互作用



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初中道德与法治《法定义务须履行》 一、考题回顾 题目来源:5月18日甘肃省兰州市面试考题 试讲题目 1.题目:法定义务须履行 2.内容: 法定义务是由我国宪法和法律规定的,具有强制性。自觉履行法定义务,是公民不可推卸的责任。 依据法律规定,有的法定义务要求公民必须作出一定行为,公民必须按照法律要求去做,否则,就可能构成违法甚至犯罪,会受到法律的追究。我们要依法履行公民义务,法律要求做的必须去做。 我国法律明确规定禁止公民实施某些行为。我们要依法履行公民义务,法律禁止做的坚决不做。实施法律所禁止的行为,会
