选择题:Sam: Hi. How.s your report___?

Sam: Hi. How.s your report___?

Katie: Not too bad, I.ve already done about 4000 words.

Sam: It.s nearly___

, isn.t it?

Katie: Yeah, I.ve got to check the spelling, then scan and回答

a few pictures, do a bit more copy and paste from other files, and it will be done.

Sam: Have you managed to回答

how to use that scanner yet?

Katie: Ha, yeah.回答

I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it.

Sam: Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet?

Katie: No, I.m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on a U disk or by email.

Sam: Maybe an email would be the easiest if the file size is not too large. You don.t need to go to the boss.s office to give him the U disk. He can read it on his computer when he has the time. It回答

paper, too.

Katie: Yeah, I also need to get the email address of the team members who need a copy.

《砌体结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50203-2011中对水泥的规定有一款为“不同品种的水泥,不

《砌体结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50203-2011中对水泥的规定有一款为“不同品种的水泥,不得混合使用”是( )。


14. 常见的晶体缺陷不包括()。(本题2.0分) A、 点缺陷 B、 线缺陷 C、 面缺陷 D、

14. 常见的晶体缺陷不包括()。(本题2.0分) A、 点缺陷 B、 线缺陷 C、 面缺陷 D、 断裂


检验批验收时,当混凝土试块强度小于设计强度标准值时,可判混凝土强度不合格。( )

检验批验收时,当混凝土试块强度小于设计强度标准值时,可判混凝土强度不合格。( )


作业成本计算法下间接成本与产量之间的关系为( )。

作业成本计算法下间接成本与产量之间的关系为( )。选择一项:A.订购量越大,采用作业成本法计算的单位成本越高B.订购量越大,采用作业成本法计算的单位成本越低C
