单选题:Questions refer to the following memo and e-mail.Memo To: Fi

  • 题目分类:中国银行
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Questions refer to the following memo and e-mail.
To: Fiji Office Building tenants
From: Eileen Hales, Corwin Hill Company
Date: March 1
Corwin Hill Company is pleased to announce that we have assumed the management of theFiji Office Building. We are looking forward to working with you.
This is a list of important contacts within our company.
√ Legal Department
Administrative Assistant, Mr.Damian Perry <dperry@corwin.com>
√ Building Maintenance
Maintenance Coordinator, Ms.Callie Waller <cwaller@corwin.com>
(For problems with telephone lines and Internet access,please contact Mr.Zack Laurel of BeamWire&Cable directly at laurel@beamwire.com)
√ General Management
Office Manager.Ms.Eileen Hales <ehales@corwin.com>
Corwin Hill Company
E-Mail Message
From: Nasya Abbot<abbot@quigley.com>
To: Callie Waller<cwaller@corwin.com>
Date: March 31
Subject: Lock installation
Hi Ms.Waller,
My name is Nasya Abbot and I work at Quigley Consulting. We are located on the Second
floor of the Fiji Office Building. We would like to install an additional lock to the front door of ouroffice in order to increase security. We will need five copies of the new key plus the original. Iwould appreciate it if you could send me an estimate of the cost by the close of the week.
Thank you for your assistance.
Nasya Abbot
What kind of business is Corwin Hill Company? A.A property management company.
B.An Internet access provider.
C.A hardware supplier.
D.A construction company.


Questions refer to the following advertisement.BONDHAM INTE

Questions refer to the following advertisement.BONDHAM INTERNATIONAL Bondham


What did Ms.Ramirez NOT send to Ms.Metzger?

What did Ms.Ramirez NOT send to Ms.Metzger?A.A portfolio B.A resume C.A cover le


根据以下内容,回答题。TELEPHONE MESSAGEFinance and Expenditure Departme

根据以下内容,回答题。TELEPHONE MESSAGEFinance and Expenditure DepartmentDate: February


Who was the email written by?

Who was the email written by?A.A client B.A salesperson C.A contractor D.A sales


与借记卡和提款卡不同,信用卡不会由用户的账户直接扣除资金。(  )

与借记卡和提款卡不同,信用卡不会由用户的账户直接扣除资金。(  )
