根据以下内容,回答题。25% Off All Camping Gear!
Just in time for summer, Great Outdoors announces a new promotion on its outdoor gear.
Tents, sleeping bags, portable chairs, barbecues, and all camping equipment to meet the seasonal demand ... are now 25% off.
At Great Outdoors, we are famous for our tents. Our innovative and sophisticated designs,coupled with our use of quality material, ensure our tents are absolutely top-of-the-line. We guar-antee that our tents are 100% waterproof and durable under any circumstances. In fact, all pur-chases feature a two-year warranty to back this claim up. If your new tent tears or leaks, we'll re-place it or refund you money.
And now when you buy a Great Outdoors three-season tent, you'll receive a long-sleeve thermal undershirt at no extra cost. It's the perfect garment to keep you warm on your outdoor ad-ventures, even late into the autumn season.
Don't delay! This special offer ends the first of July.
From: Clive Winston <winstonlove@uscommunications.com>
To: The management <purchase@greatoutdoors.com>
Subject: Group purchase
To all the Management of Great Outdoors,
I work in a large office with over 100 colleagues. Many of us belong to an outdoors club, and have purchased items from your store in the past.
I would like to express my personal satisfaction with your outdoor products, which I have been using for many years. The design and fabrics are compatible with the most rugged of lifestyle like my own.
Your products offer maximum water protection, they're long-lasting, and they're comfortable,so they are in great demand among our members. Many people in our club are looking for new camping equipment, so we have decided to arrange a large group purchase.
Unfortunately, before we could complete our list of the products everyone wants to buy, we missed your summer promotion on camping gear. And although we've the detailed policies on your website, we have not been able to find any special offers on group purchases. Since our club is
prepared to make such a large purchase, we are hoping that the management at the Great Outdoors will authorize a group discount on our order.
We are expecting to receive a prompt response to our request.
Clive Winston
According to the advertisement, what special offer is the company making? A.A discount on all outdoor equipment
B.A two-year warranty on everything in stock
C.A free giveaway with any large purchase
D.A new line of winter camping gear