In the face of recent attacks on the company, Levin_______. In the face of recent attacks on the company, Levin_______.A.[ A ] stuck to a st 分类:公共英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
Why does the author mention stuffed drug smugglers? Why does the author mention stuffed drug smugglers?A. Because they can attack wi 分类:公共英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
按现行营业税法的规定,可以享受减免税优惠的有( ) 按现行营业税法的规定,可以享受减免税优惠的有( )A.残疾人员设立的私营企业提供的劳务取得的收入 B.个人转让著作权 C.对台湾航空公司从事海峡两岸空中直航业 分类:公共英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
[A] people [B] men[C] humans [D] adults [A] people [B] men[C] humans [D] adults 分类:公共英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案
[A] Science [B] Scientist [C] Scientific[D] Scientists [A] Science [B] Scientist [C] Scientific[D] Scientists 分类:公共英语三级 题型:单选题 查看答案