单选题:回答题: It was the first snow of winter.Upuntil now,I had been

It was the first snow of winter.Upuntil now,I had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息),but today l would need some help.Miss king,my kindergarten teacher,may still remem‘ber this one.
I managed to get into my snow pants,butI struggled with my jacket because it(1id not fitwell.Itwas a hand-me-down from my brother.Finally it was timeto have Miss King help me withmy boots.She said,“By the end of winter,you will be able toput on y311t"own boots.”
I handed her my boots,andshe managed to get the first one into place and then worked the
second one on,to0.
I said.“They are on the wrongfeet.”She struggled to get the boots off and tried again.ThenI said,“These aren’t my boots,they are my brother’s boots and I hate them!”Somehow,shemanaged to act as though l was not an annoying little girl.She pushed an(shoved,less gently thistimeand the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet.Seeint:the end of her strugglewith me,she asked,“Now,whereare your gloves?’’
I looked into her eyes and said.“Idid not want to lose them,so But them into the toes of my boots.”
According to the passage,the little girl got_________from her bj other.
A.the pants and jacket
B.the jacket and boots
C.the jacket and hat
D.the gloves


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