单选题:根据短文,回答题。An organization's reputation, profitability, and ev

  • 题目分类:英语六级
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
An organization's reputation, profitability, and even its continued existence can depend on the degree to which its targeted publics support its goals and policies. Public relations specialists -- also 31 to as communications
specialists and media specialists, 32 other titles -- serve as 33 for businesses, nonprofit organizations, universities, hospitals, and 34
organizations, and build and 35 positive relationships with the public. 36 manager recognize the importance of good public relations 37 the success of their organizations, they 38 rely on public relation specialists for advice 39 the strategy and policy of such programs.
Public relations specialists 40 organizational functions such as media, community consumer, industry, and governmental relations political 41 ;interest-group representation conflict mediation; and employee and investor
relations. They do 42 than tell the organizations' story. They 43 understand the attitude and concerns of community, consumer employee, and public interest groups and establish and maintain 44 relationships with them and with 45 from print and broadcast journalism.
Public relations specialists draft press 46 and contact people in the 47 who might print or broadcast their materials. Many radio of television special reports, newspaper stories and magazine articles start at the desks of public relations specialists. 48 the subject is an organization and its policies toward its employees or its role in the community. Often the subject is a public 49 such as health energy, or the environment, and 50 an organization does to advance it.


《福建省实施<会计法)办法》明确要求,使用电子计算机进行会计核算的单位应当对会计数据进行备份,要求( )必须建立灾难数据

《福建省实施<会计法)办法》明确要求,使用电子计算机进行会计核算的单位应当对会计数据进行备份,要求( )必须建立灾难数据备份系统。A.国有的大、中型企业 B.国


关于会计法律制度的下列表述,正确的是:会计法律制度是( )。

关于会计法律制度的下列表述,正确的是:会计法律制度是( )。A.指国家权力机关制定的各种有关会计工作的规范性文件的总称 B.指国家行政机关制定的各种有关会计工作



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根据《中华人民共和国会计法》的规定,会计人员在对原始凭证进行审核时,对弄虚作假、严重违法的原始凭证,应当( )。

根据《中华人民共和国会计法》的规定,会计人员在对原始凭证进行审核时,对弄虚作假、严重违法的原始凭证,应当( )。
