法国第五共和国的立法委员会可分为()A.调查委员会B.特别委员会C.对等混合委员会D.常设委员会E.专 法国第五共和国的立法委员会可分为()A.调查委员会B.特别委员会C.对等混合委员会D.常设委员会E.专 分类:计算机类 题型:选择题 查看答案
Soil is the surface layer of the Earth that nourishes and supports the growth of rooted plants. Soil is the surface layer of the Earth that nourishes and supports the growth of rooted plants.A:accepts B:arranges C:feeds D:shelters 分类:计算机类 题型:选择题 查看答案
He would not give up though he realized that people would not regard him as a lawful king. He would not give up though he realized that people would not regard him as a lawful king.A:specify B:signify C:identify D:recognize 分类:计算机类 题型:选择题 查看答案