单选题:回答题:Exercise Lowers Employers' Health CostsCompanies can sav

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Exercise Lowers Employers' Health Costs Companies can save millions in health-care costs simply by encouraging their employees toexercise a little bit, researchers reported on Friday.
They saidobese (肥胖的) employees had higher health-care costs, but lowered thoseexpensesby exercising just a couple of times a week -- without even losing any weight.
Feifei Wang and colleagues at the University of Michigan studied 23, 500 workers at GeneralMotors. They estimated that getting the most sedentary (惯于久坐的) obese workers to exercise would have saved about $ 790, 000 ayear, or about 15 percent of health-care costs for the whole groupcompany-wide, the potential savings could reach $ 7. 1 million per year,theyreposed in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Of thewhole group of workers, about 30 percent were of normal weigh, 45 percent were overweight(超重的), and 25 percent were obese. Annual health-care costs averaged $ 2,200for normal weight, $ 2, 400 for the overweight, and $ 2, 700 for obeseemployees.
But amongworkers who did no exercise, healthcare costs went up by at least $100 a year,and were $ 3, 000 a year for obese employees who were sedentary.
But adding two or more days of light exercise -- at least 20 minutes of exercise orwork hard enough to increase heart rate and breathing -- lowered costs by onaverage $ 500 per employee a year, the researchers found.
How can employees help lower the health-care costs? A.Bytaking more rest.
B.Byeating less.
C.Byexercising a little bit.
D.Bysaving more money.


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Please check your bill before you leave the shop and make sure that itis correct


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