With a great weight _______off her mind, she passe

With a great weight _______off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully.(


-Why did he stay at home?

-Why did he stay at home?--It was only _______ it was raining _______ he stayed


Have you heard that Mr. Smith bought a new mobile

Have you heard that Mr. Smith bought a new mobile phone the other day?-_________


_____ alone in the dark room, the little girl was

_____ alone in the dark room, the little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly


-Can I get the house cheaper?

-Can I get the house cheaper?- Sorry, it’s ______ my power to sell it any cheape


The foreigners _________there, but they _________t

The foreigners _________there, but they _________the food there at first. ( )(本题


-Were the audience allowed to join in the play?-Ye

-Were the audience allowed to join in the play?-Yes, the actors _______ to satis


Is Tom at school today? No, He’s at home ______ he

Is Tom at school today? No, He’s at home ______ he has a bad cold.( )(本题4.0分) A、


- Would you mind my opening the window. It is too

- Would you mind my opening the window. It is too hot. ( )-- ________________.(本


—You don’t look well, what’s wrong with you, Wang

—You don’t look well, what’s wrong with you, Wang Ming?   —Last night I watched


-What happened?

-What happened?-As you know, my schoolmates never _______ their clothes well.(本题


Along with the letter was his promise ________ he

Along with the letter was his promise ________ he would visit me on this coming


The teacher as well as the students ________ plant

The teacher as well as the students ________ planting trees.( )(本题4.0分) A、 are B


My father will have a ______ holiday next month. H

My father will have a ______ holiday next month. He’ll take me to Qing dao. ( )(


- I’m really hungry now.

- I’m really hungry now.-That’s because you have left your lunch __________.(本题4


In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma

In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table


_____ matters most in learning English is enough p

_____ matters most in learning English is enough practice.(本题4.0分) A、 What B、 Wh


The car is _____ expensive _____ he can’t buy it.

The car is _____ expensive _____ he can’t buy it. ( )(本题4.0分) A、 too, to B、 so,


The bird ______ its wings and flew to the south.(本

The bird ______ its wings and flew to the south.(本题4.0分) A、 beat B、 hit C、 strik


We’d better hurry. Our teacher ________ us.( )(本题4

We’d better hurry. Our teacher ________ us.( )(本题4.0分) A、 wait for B、 must wait


---Would you like to go out for a walk with us?---

---Would you like to go out for a walk with us?---_____, but I must finish my ho


At a rough estimate, Nigeria is __________ Great B

At a rough estimate, Nigeria is __________ Great Britain.(本题4.0分) A、 three times


My friend is coming tomorrow ________ plane to see

My friend is coming tomorrow ________ plane to see me.( )(本题4.0分) A、 by B、 in C、


-- I wonder why he left without a word.( )-- He __

-- I wonder why he left without a word.( )-- He ______ some trouble for he looks


He wrote a lot of novels, none of _____ was transl

He wrote a lot of novels, none of _____ was translated into a foreign languages.
