W公司制作的正版音乐光盘每张售价25元,赢利10元。而这样的光盘的盗版制品每张售价仅5元。因此,这样的盗版光盘如果销售1 W公司制作的正版音乐光盘每张售价25元,赢利10元。而这样的光盘的盗版制品每张售价仅5元。因此,这样的盗版光盘如果销售10万张,就会给W公司造成100万元的利润 分类:高级 题型:单选题 查看答案
To be complete,you need to write down the important points y To be complete,you need to write down the important points you wish to cover.( ) 分类:高级 题型:单选题 查看答案
Essentially,imports or exports and the vessels carrying the Essentially,imports or exports and the vessels carrying the goods are subject to 分类:高级 题型:单选题 查看答案