选择题:Part I. Use of English (10 points)Directions: In t


Part I. Use of English (10 points)
Directions: In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1. --- If you have any question, be sure to come and ask me.
--- _________________.
A. Thank you very much B. I don’t mind coming at all.
C. I will come at all. D. I hope to come again.
2. --- Happy Teacher’s Day! Here are some flowers for you with our best wishes.
--- What beautiful flowers! _________________.
A. All right B. Thank you
C. You’re welcome
D. Happy Teacher’s Day to you, too!
3. --- What a fine day!
--- __________________.
A. Yes, isn’t it? B. Really?
C. You’re right. D. No, isn’t it?
4. --- How is your mother?
--- ___________________.
A. She is old B. She is not in hospital
C. She takes medicine every day D. She is much better
5. --- Excuse me, may I ask you a question?
--- ___________________.
A. Yes, ask me please. B. Yes, what is it?
C. Yes, just one. D. Yes, what’s wrong?
6. --- What is the woman over there?
--- ___________________.
A. She is a bus driver B. She works hard.
C. She comes from China D. She is here
7. ---Will your come dot see the film with me?
--- ___________________.
A. No, I don’t B. Sorry, I can’t
C. Yes,




利用物业共用部位、共用设施进行经营的,应当在征得相关(( )的同意后,按照规定办理有关手续A.相关业

利用物业共用部位、共用设施进行经营的,应当在征得相关(( )的同意后,按照规定办理有关手续A.相关业主;B.业主大会;C.业主委员会;D.物业服务企业





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