单选题:根据以下材料回答:Coffee can be considered one of nature'sgreatest gi

  • 题目分类:英语六级
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Coffee can be considered one of nature'sgreatest gifts. It gives mental and emotional 62 without harmful sideeffects, and it 63 awealth of nutrients. Yet, when most people drink coffee, they are not thinkingthat the beverage is 64 their
health. In fact, some may even feel alittle guilty, 65 some believe coffee isn't good for you atall.
Well, coffee, like anything else, cancause problems if too much is 66 . Moderate consumption ofcoffee 67 your body with a wealth of antioxidants.These substances are responsible 68 eliminating free radicals. They are the chemicalbyproducts produced any time your body does, something. A small number of themcan help serve 69 a buffer against negativeelements, if they aren't 70 incheck,
theycan cause health problems. Antioxidants ensure that this doesn't happen.
The psychological effects of caffeine cannotbe 71either. Not only doescaffeine make you more 72 , butit can actually affect your mood. If you were feeling 73 or overwhelmed, a nice cup of coffee couldchange your 74 .The stack of workthat seemed impossible before isn't even a problem now.
75., caffeine helps stimulatecreativity as it speeds up the body's functioning. That's why coffee isoften 76 with writers and other intellectualprofessions. Other drugs 77 to make people dumber. Consider what happenswhen people get high off of crack or when they get drunk off of alcohol. They won'tbe 78 at all. But with coffee, an individual gets acreative boost 79 still helping their bodies.
In conclusion, don't feel bad when you'rebrewing your morning cup of coffee. 80.a can of soda or a shot of alcohol, coffee will make you feel wonderful whilekeeping you healthy. Just remember, you do have to consume the beverage in 81 .
(  ) A. clean
B. clarity
C. brightness
D. clear

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工作岗位分析信息的主要来源有(  )。

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