选择题:The wash she had returned was her last effort on t


The wash she had returned was her last effort on this earth.

A. she nade her last effort to return the clothes to us.
B. she returned the last bag of clothes she washed in her life to us.
C. she hardlu had any more strength to wash more clothes after she retureed the clothes to us
D. she gave up washing clothes for others after she returned the clothes to us.


完全垄断企业短期均衡时,存在( )。A.正常利润 B.超额利润C.严重亏损

完全垄断企业短期均衡时,存在( )。A.正常利润 B.超额利润C.严重亏损 D.以上三种情况都有可能 A.A B.B C.


由两样本均数的差别推断两总体均数的差别, 其差别有统计学意义是指( )(本题2.0分)A. 两样本均

由两样本均数的差别推断两总体均数的差别, 其差别有统计学意义是指( )(本题2.0分)A. 两样本均数的差别具有实际意义B. 两总体均数的差别具有实际意义C.


什么样的课题是好课题?对于纯粹的科学研究来说,要符合哪几个下面的要求: (       )。

什么样的课题是好课题?对于纯粹的科学研究来说,要符合哪几个下面的要求: (       )。A A. 目的性 B B. 科学性C C. 发展性D D. 创新性
