填空题:A.Do some volunteer work.B.Get a well-paid part-time job.C.W 题目分类:英语四级 题目类型:填空题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: A.Do some volunteer work.B.Get a well-paid part-time job.C.Work flexible hours.D.Go back to her previous post. 参考答案: 答案解析:
A.Some of them were political-minded.B.Fifty percent of them A.Some of them were political-minded.B.Fifty percent of them were female.C.One t 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
A.She will meet the man halfway.B.She will ask David to talk A.She will meet the man halfway.B.She will ask David to talk less.C.She is sorry 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
根据经济发展的梯度原理,发达地区产业向落后地区转移是一个规律。对于这种转移,是来者不拒,照单全收,还是以我为主,择善而“ 根据经济发展的梯度原理,发达地区产业向落后地区转移是一个规律。对于这种转移,是来者不拒,照单全收,还是以我为主,择善而“取”,正是一个地方领会和落实“又好又快” 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案
Why did Andre Heidrich cut back online gaming?A.He had lost Why did Andre Heidrich cut back online gaming?A.He had lost a lot of money.B.His 分类:英语四级 题型:填空题 查看答案