选择题:Why did he want to find a shop open selling the Su

Why did he want to find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds?
A. A. Because he wanted to ask for help.
B. B. Because he wanted to ask where the garage was.
C. C. Because he wanted to ask where the call box was.
D. D. Because he wanted to buy something to eat or drink.

病人最迫切的心理需要是( )

病人最迫切的心理需要是( ) A. 信息的需要 B. 安全的需要 C. 爱与归属的需要 D. 尊重的需要 E. 自我实现的需要


12、工资、薪金所得的个人所得税按月计征,由扣缴义务人或纳税人缴入国库的期限是( )。

12、工资、薪金所得的个人所得税按月计征,由扣缴义务人或纳税人缴入国库的期限是( )。A次月1~5日内B.次月1~7日内C次月1~10日内D次月1~15日内
