单选题:阅读下列文章.回答Questions :●Read the following article about the de

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阅读下列文章.回答Questions :
●Read the following article about the development of the knowledge economy and the questions on the opposite page .
●For each question 15 – 20 , mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
  There have long been markets in tin, cocoa, silver and the like. There used to be security in thinking that somewhere there was a product, something you could touch and see. Now there are new markets in abstractions, trade in ideas and knowledge. Everyone has knowledge but there used to be no way t o trade it ------except through jobs. That simple fact of economic life was the basis for white collar employment for centuries. The whole job culture grew up because there was no alternative way to sell knowledge , other then the worker or manager providing, for a fixed price, his or her knowledge to an employer to own or control. The quantity of knowledge provided has typically been measured in time.
  But today we stand at the thresh-old of a new era. The information economy has matured and become smarter. According to many business commentators, we are now living in a knowledge economy . There has always been a market for knowledge , of course. The publishing industry is based on it. But today the internet is making the distribution of knowledge ever easier. The days when the publisher decided what got published are over. Anyone with a Pc and a modem can talk to the world. This is reducing the friction in the knowledge economy.
  Everyone has knowledge of whatever industry she or he is in. say you are a computer dealer, for example. Over the years your have complied a list of the ten best lowest price places to buy wholesale computer equipment. Now you can sell your knowledge to newer, younger computer dealers who have no way to build up this knowledge without losing thousands of pounds finding it out the hard way. Until now, such knowledge remained securely locked in the recipient’s head ,accumulated and then worthlessly withered away. This no longer needs to be the case. Such knowledge can be sold via websites.
  Knowledge has a distinct advantage in today’s marketplace. It’s a renewable resource. Better yet, its worth actually increases, . “knowledge is the only asset that grows with use. “ observes Scanford University Professor Paul Romer. But what exactly is knowledge and how can it be packaged to trade on an open market” “ knowledge is experiential information, intelligence applied thorough and gained from experience.” Say Josenph Pine and James Gilmore in their book The Experience Economy.
  The value of knowledge often depends on variables such as time and the credibility of the seller.Certian knowledge may have a very limited shelf life. In sights concerning how to set up an internet business in one country, might be worth a fortune on one day and nothing the next , depending on changes in government policy. Markets in knowledge will be significance for one thing.


当队员个体既需要对职能经理负责又需要对项目经理负责时,一个项目的团队建设经常是复杂的。这种双重汇报关系的有效管理通常是的责任?( )A.有关的队员 B.项目经理






你为新项目组建的团队是由3个专职和5个兼职的人员组成的。每个队员都相互认识且过去都共过事。为保证项目成功启动,你的第一步应该——( )A.单独与每个队员讨论任务


日本比英国的论文数少(  )。

日本比英国的论文数少(  )。A.5% B.8% C.10% D.12%


表中所列数据中,数量同比增长最大的省与金额同比增长最小的省的出口额的差为(  )。

表中所列数据中,数量同比增长最大的省与金额同比增长最小的省的出口额的差为(  )。A.119万美元 B.119亿美元 C.9.877亿元人民币 D.987.7亿
