单选题:根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 3  In Anglo-America there are three major e

根据下列文章,请回答题。Text 3
  In Anglo-America there are three major ethnic groups. The first is the original Indian population, who today represents a minority group. The second is the descendants of European colonists who emigrated to the two countries before the end of the nineteenth century. These majority populations normally speak English, are highly-educated, and most of them are culturally homogeneous(同类的)in broad cultural values. A third group is made up of ethnic minorities, from Asia, Latin America, Africa, or parts of Europe who have either linguistic, religious, racial, or other cultural attributes that distinguish them from the majority population.
  The United States has a varied ethnic minority pattern, without the dominance of one minority group in a specific geographical area. The largest ethnic group in America is the blacks, totaling an estimated 26 million in 1980, or 12 percent of the population. Unlike the French, the black population of the United States is not culturally and geographically isolated in one area. Slightly more than half of American blacks live in the South, and 49 percent reside in the East and the West. The black American speaks English, has a tendency to share the characteristics of competition,materialism,and individualism with other United States citizens, and has no distinctive religion.
  The Spanish-speaking minority in America is reluctant to adopt the values of the dominant cultural group. There is increasingly a demand for bilingual (双语的)education to allow Spanish speaking children to use English in their educational programs. The existence of a large and growing minority population such as the Spanish-speaking Americans, who are increasingly committed to their own food and newspapers in Latin, is one of the issues facing Anglo-America in the future.The old concept of a melting pot is being replaced by the concept of a plural society.From the context, we know that "attributes"( Para.1)means A.similarities of ethnic group
B.qualifies belonging to ethnic minoritie
C.differences between ethnic minoritie
D.relationships among ethnic group


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证券公司总经理依据《公司法》、公司章程的规定行使职权。并向股东会负责。(  )


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According to the author, one can hardly achieve excellence unless one______A.liv


不得担任证券公司独立董事的人员有(  )。

不得担任证券公司独立董事的人员有(  )。A.在证券公司或其关联方任职的人员及其近亲属和主要社会关系人员 B.持有或控制证券公司5%以上股权的单位、证券公司前5
