简答题:The friend.type parents,as the term implies,treat their chi

The friend.type parents,as the term implies,treat their children as friends. They are generous and wise.Like good friends,they discuss with their children the latest news,share their children’s interests,and listen attentively to their children’s expression of emotion,whether it is anger,fear,joy or sorrow.They have an intimate relationship with their children while adhering to their principled stand.They discuss problems with their children rather than provide ready solutions.
They respect their children as their equals.

She doesn’t like her job,but is too________to try to find an

She doesn’t like her job,but is too________to try to find another. A.terrified B


I’ve been playing tennis with Mary.But l was________by her.

I’ve been playing tennis with Mary.But l was________by her. A.beaten B.hit C.str


公司债券包括(   )I 信用公司债券 II 可转换公司债券 Ⅲ 保证公司债券 IV 附认股权证的公司债券

公司债券包括(   )I 信用公司债券 II 可转换公司债券 Ⅲ 保证公司债券 IV 附认股权证的公司债券A.I、II、Ⅲ B.II、Ⅲ、IV C.I、Ⅲ、I


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