单选题:Questions are based on the following passage. Latino youths

  • 题目分类:英语六级
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Questions are based on the following passage.
Latino youths need better education for Arizona to take full advantage of the possibilities theirexploding population offers. Arizona´s fast-growing Latino population offers the state tremendouspromise and a challenge. Even more than the aging of the baby boomers, the Latino boom is funda-mentally reorienting the state´s economic and social structure.
Immigration and natural increase have added 600,000 young Latino residents to the state´spopulation in the past decade. Half of the population younger than 18 in both Phoenix and Tucson isnow Latino. Within 20 years, Latinos will make up half of the homegrown entry-level labour pool inthe state´ s two largest labour markets.
What is more, Hispanics are becoming key economic players. Most people don´t notice it, butLatinos born in Arizona make up much of their immigrant parents´ economic and educationaldeficits. For example, second-generation Mexican-Americans secure an average of 12 grades ofschooling where their parents obtained less than nine. That means they erase 70 percent of theirparents´ lag behind third-generation non-Hispanic Whites in a single generation.
All of this hands the state a golden opportunity. At a time when many states will struggle withlabour shortages because of modest population growth, Arizona has a priceless chance to build apopulous, hardworking and skilled workforce on which to base future prosperity. The problem isthat Arizona and its Latino residents may not be able to seize this opportunity. Far too many of Ari-zona´s Latinos drop out of high school or fail to obtain the basic education needed for more ad-vanced study. As a result, educational deficits are holding back many Latinos--and the state as well.
To be sure, construction and low-end service jobs continue to absorb tens of thousands of Latino immigrants with little formal education. But over the long term, most of Arizona´s Latino citizens remain ill-prepared to prosper in an increasingly demanding knowledge economy.
For the reason, the educational uplift of Arizona´s huge Latino population must move to thecentre of the state´s agenda. After all, the education deficits of Arizona´s Latino population willseverely cramp the fortunes of hardworking people if they go unaddressed and could well undercutthe state´s ability to compete in the new economy. At the entry level, slower growth rates may createmore competition for low-skill jobs, displacing Latinos from a significant means of support. At the
higher end, shortages of Latinos educationally ready to move up will make it that much harder forknowledge-based companies staff high-skill positions.
The Latino population is changing Arizona´s _____ A.aging problem
B.educational system
C.economic structure
D.financial deficits


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