选择题:下列不属于再审事由的是() 题目分类:中国大学MOOC慕课 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 下列不属于再审事由的是() A.债务人没有履行生效判决()B.有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、裁定的C.违反法律规定,剥夺当事人辩论权利的D.据以作出原判决、裁定的法律文书被撤销或者变更的 参考答案:
对国家工商行政管理总局作出的行政处罚不服,可以向()申请复议。 对国家工商行政管理总局作出的行政处罚不服,可以向()申请复议。这是一个关于总局 生活中的纠纷与解决 国家工商行政管理的相关问题,下面我们来看 分类:中国大学MOOC慕课 题型:选择题 查看答案
Is the following research topic effective? “Why is nuclear p Is the following research topic effective? “Why is nuclear power a more promising energy source than solar power?”这是一个关于 分类:中国大学MOOC慕课 题型:选择题 查看答案
Viewing a movie in which alcohol is portrayed appears to lea Viewing a movie in which alcohol is portrayed appears to lead to higher total alcohol consumption of young people while 分类:中国大学MOOC慕课 题型:选择题 查看答案
Conceivably, different forms, changing at different rates an Conceivably, different forms, changing at different rates and showing contrasting combinations of characteristics, were 分类:中国大学MOOC慕课 题型:选择题 查看答案