填空题:Directions: 6l.Read the following text(s) and write an essay

6l.Read the following text(s) and write an essay to
1)summarize the main points of the text(s),
2) make clear your own viewpoints, and
3 )justify your stand.
In your essay, make full use oft he information provided in the text(s).If you use more than three consecutive words from the text(s) , use quotation marks( ).
You should write 160 -200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
We have all heard the saying, "You are what you eat." Current research suggests that the majority of Americans have bad eating habits, and some of this is determined by our lifestyle, whichdemands that we eat quickly and inexpensively.
What are the commonest foods on the American menu? Hamburgers and French fries, sugarladen drinks; pies and whipped cream, malts and ice-cream.Apart from an occasional broiledhamburger, all the things on that list are bad for us.And there are certain prophets of doom whopredict that all those fat laden fast foods provide us with only one thing--a faster road to the grave.
On the other hand, there are those who claim that the basic fast-food meal contains all thenourishment you need.After all, there are meat, milk, salad and bread.And if you have a cheeseburger instead of a hamburger, you are doing yourself an extra favor by adding additional protein.What these good news gossips are overlooking is the usually pulpy bun; the excess of sugar in themaltose or Coke; and overdose of salt that is sprinkled on the hamburger to make palatable.
So you decide to stay away from the hamburger joint, and buy your food from the supermarket.Are you any better off? Not if you buy frozen or canned food.The experts tell us that cannedand frozen vegetables contain sugar, as well as all sorts of perspectives that are not doing anythingto improve your health.According to these people, the only way to be sure your food is good foryou is to buy it and cook it fresh.And then, of course, you have to eat it--and that creates anotherproblem.The speed of today's world has encouraged many of us to eat far too fast.We do notchew our food enough, and we eat on the run or we jump and start running the minute we finisheating.

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下列各项中,属于会计行政法规的有( )。A.《中国注册会计师法》 B.《企业财务会计报告条例》 C.《会计从业资格管理办法》 D.《中华人民共和国总会计师
