单选题:一男性患者,60岁,突感胸骨后疼痛伴有胸闷、憋气,急查心电图见各导联ST段均呈水平型下移达0.08mV,伴有T波倒置,以 题目分类:中医医师 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 一男性患者,60岁,突感胸骨后疼痛伴有胸闷、憋气,急查心电图见各导联ST段均呈水平型下移达0.08mV,伴有T波倒置,以往心电图正常。最可能的诊断是( ) 参考答案: 答案解析:
The truth is not easy to find, ( )is so often the case with The truth is not easy to find, ( )is so often the case with a study of history. 分类:中医医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
Advanced medical technology can extend the fife of the sick Advanced medical technology can extend the fife of the sick and aged to well( ) 分类:中医医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
Ivy felt herself( ) pink with pleasure just as his hands on Ivy felt herself( ) pink with pleasure just as his hands on either side of her 分类:中医医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
某企业正在进行绩效考评,其中考评人员A、B、C的打分结果如图2-4-2所示。请据此分别分析这三位考评人员的考评误差,并分 某企业正在进行绩效考评,其中考评人员A、B、C的打分结果如图2-4-2所示。请据此分别分析这三位考评人员的考评误差,并分析该误差会给企业带来哪些不良影响。 分类:中医医师 题型:单选题 查看答案