选择题:It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to

It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.
A. Usually one has to pay a visit to his home country before he knows that his home country
B. Usually one has to take a trip away from before he knows that his home country is not perf
C. Usually one has to pay a visit to his home country before he knows that his home country i
D. Usually one has to take a trip away from home country before he knows that his home count

投资性房地产采用公允价值计量,资产负债表日公允价值高于账面价值的差额应( )。

投资性房地产采用公允价值计量,资产负债表日公允价值高于账面价值的差额应( )。A 借记投资性房地产B 贷记投资性房地产C 借记公允价值变动损益D 贷记公允价值变


提取坏账准备的企业,已作为坏账确认并注销的应收账款以后又收回时,应( )。

提取坏账准备的企业,已作为坏账确认并注销的应收账款以后又收回时,应( )。A 借记“银行存款”账户,贷记“管理费用”账户B 借记“应收账款”账户,贷记“坏账


下列原材料相关损失项目中,应该计入原材料成本的是( )。

下列原材料相关损失项目中,应该计入原材料成本的是( )。A 计量差错引起的原材料盘亏B 自然灾害造成的原材料损失C 原材料运输途中发生的合理损耗D 人为责任造成


某企业赊销商品,按价目表价格计算货款总额100 000元,给买方的商业折扣为10%,增值税税率为17

某企业赊销商品,按价目表价格计算货款总额100 000元,给买方的商业折扣为10%,增值税税率为17%,则应收账款的金额为 ( )元。A 110 300B
