Ten—year—old children likely to become offenders are usually Ten—year—old children likely to become offenders are usually . 分类:理科数学 题型:单选题 查看答案
In the author’s opinion,which of the。following is not a fact In the author’s opinion,which of the。following is not a factor that causes the c 分类:理科数学 题型:单选题 查看答案
过点M(-3,2),且与向量a=(-2,1)平行的直线方程是 过点M(-3,2),且与向量a=(-2,1)平行的直线方程是 A.x-2y+7=0 B.x+2y-1=0 (*^__^*) 考试大…在线★考试中心 C.2x+ 分类:理科数学 题型:单选题 查看答案
翻译下列句子。(1)夫功之成,非成于成之日,盖必有所由起;祸之作,不作于作之日,亦必有所由兆。(4分)译文:______ 翻译下列句子。(1)夫功之成,非成于成之日,盖必有所由起;祸之作,不作于作之日,亦必有所由兆。(4分)译文:__________(2)仲以为威公果能不用三子矣乎 分类:理科数学 题型:单选题 查看答案