单选题:根据以下内容,回答题。313 Northen BoulevardSpringfield, Massachusetts O

  • 题目分类:中国银行
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
313 Northen Boulevard
Springfield, Massachusetts O1103
August 2nd, 2006
Ms. Sara Valenti
Financial Officer
DZK Investments Unlimited
2343 6th Avenue
New York, New York 10023
Dear Ms.Valenti,
I want to start by saying that the loans your firm has made over the past two years have been very helpful to my business. Recently, however, I was looking over some earlier correspondence regarding the modification of our contract. I noticed that quarterly payments on the latest loan are due to begin this October. I understand that we agreed upon this date. However, in order to fully finance the expansion of my business, I have also taken out loans with several banks. Paying back those loans has left me temporarily short of cash. I am requesting that you delay the start of my payments until January 1 st.
I understand that this may be against your company's protocol, but please take into consider-ation my punctuality on all past payments. I would appreciate your input on this matter as soon as possible.
Ryan Black
Springfield Hardware
Who probably wrote this letter? A.A landlord
B.A business owner
C.A bank officer
D.An accountant


材料供应商有权要求该企业赔偿其(  )元的损失。

材料供应商有权要求该企业赔偿其(  )元的损失。 A.1800 B.3600 C.7200 D.9000


李某在对刘某签发支票时,存在的错误之处在于(  )。

李某在对刘某签发支票时,存在的错误之处在于(  )。 A.现金支票超出了最高限额 B.用蓝色水笔填写 C.没有签章 D.余额不足


不可撤销信用证,是指受益人不能将信用证的权利转让给他人的信用证。(  )

不可撤销信用证,是指受益人不能将信用证的权利转让给他人的信用证。(  )



票据是由出票人依法签发的,约定自己或者委托付款人在见票时或指定的日期向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定金额的有价证券。(  )


可以申请开立基本存款账户的包括(  )。

可以申请开立基本存款账户的包括(  )。A.企业法人 B.居委会委员 C.外国驻华机构 D.事业单位
