填空题:回答题:You may say that the business of marking books is going

You may say that the business of marking books is going to slow down your reading.(31) _________probably will.That’s one of the(32)_________for doing it.Most of US have been taken in by the notion that speed of(33) is a measure of our intelligence.There is(34) _________such things as the fight(35) _________for intelligent reading.Some things should be(36) _________quickly and effortlessly,and some should be read(37) _________and even laboriously.The sign of intelligence(船) _________reading is the ability to read (39) _________things differently according to their worth.In the(40) _________of good books,the point is not to see how many of them can you get through,(41) _________how many Can you get through them--how many you Can(42) _________your own.A few friends are(43) _________than a thousand acquaintances.If this be your goal,(44) _________it should be,you will not be impatient if it takes more time and effort to read a great book than a news-paper(45) _________.
You may have another objection to(46) _________books.You Can’t lend them to your friends(47) _________ nobody else call read them(48) _________being distracted by your notes.What’s more,you won’t want to lend them because a(49) _________copy is a kind of intellectual diary,and(50) _________it is almost like giving your mind away.
If your friend hopes to read your Shakespeare,or The Federalist Papers,tell him,gently but firmly,to buy a copy. You will lend him your car or your coat——but your books are as much a part of you as your head or your heart.

目前我国适用于T+1滚动交收的证券有(  )。

目前我国适用于T+1滚动交收的证券有(  )。A.A股 B.基金 C.B股 D.投资基金


富尔证券公司的经营范围仅限于证券经纪、证券投资咨询以及证券自营业务,该证券公司的注册资本最低限额为(  )元。

富尔证券公司的经营范围仅限于证券经纪、证券投资咨询以及证券自营业务,该证券公司的注册资本最低限额为(  )元。A.3 000万 B.5 000万 C.1亿 D.



限定性集合资产管理计划应投资于业绩优良、成长性高、流动性强的股票等权益类证券以及股票型证券投资基金的资产,且不得超过该计划资产净值的(  )。A.30% B.2


根据中国证监会的有关规定,证券公司自营买入任一上市公司股票按当日收盘价计算的总市值不得超过该公司已流通股总市值的(  )

根据中国证监会的有关规定,证券公司自营买入任一上市公司股票按当日收盘价计算的总市值不得超过该公司已流通股总市值的(  )。A.5% B.10% C.15% D.



对于上海证券交易所上市股票的红利派发,股票发行人接到中国证券登记结算公司上海分公司核准现金红利派发的答复后,应在确定的权益登记日3个交易日前,向(  )申请信息
