单选:根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。  A panel of government officials is worrieD.The air q

  • 题目分类:学历考试
  • 题目类型:单选
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根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。  A panel of government officials is worrieD.The air quality in some areas is not gooD.Theair is polluted with soot.The officials worry that the air is harmful to the people who breathethe air.The officials are expels.They study the environment.They diSCUSS ways to stop theair pollution.The panel decided to make,some changes to the law.  The mew plan places strict limits on how much soot call be released into the air.Now,ameasurement of 65 parts of soot is considered safE.The new plan would reduce that number to30.The daily limit of pollution in the air would be cut in halF.  These new standards would affect industry.The limits would also affect people who ownwood stoves and fireplaces.The country will keep track of the air quality every day.Peoplewould be required to stop burning wood when the levels are high.They could also install a kindof special fireplacE.These fireplaces burn very little wooD.They do not pollute the air asmuch.Some countries will punish families who violate the ban.They will have to pay a fine fornot complying with the law.  Some states do not have much industry.Their pollution problem is not too baD.Theywould stiU have to regulate how much pollution is released into the air.The experts hope thatthis ban will help keep the air cleaner.Before the plan becomes a law the public will have a chance to comment on it.Citizenswill have ninety days to ask questions and voice concerns about the plan.Then it will becomea law.{TS}The panel is made up of________.
D.factory owners

下列句子中,没有语病的一项是(  )A.正因如此,所以庄子说:当你做好事的时候,不要以追求名誉为目的;当你做坏事的时候,千万不要忘记触犯法律

下列句子中,没有语病的一项是(  )A.正因如此,所以庄子说:当你做好事的时候,不要以追求名誉为目的;当你做坏事的时候,千万不要忘记触犯法律。B.庖丁的刀顺着牛体原有的空隙游走,牛体不但会顺利解开,而且也不损伤刀刃,这就叫做按照事物的规律办事。C.人生在世,不仅要做好事而不做坏事,而且好事要自然而然地去做,千万不能是有意而为之。D.人的身体要想长存,就不能触及有伤于己的硬东西,而要在那些硬东西的中


砌体结构的特点有(  )。A.节约水泥和钢材,降低造价 B.具有较好的保温隔热和隔声性能 C.具有良好的耐火性 D.施工工序单一,可连续施工 E.寒冷地区不易进

砌体结构的特点有(  )。A.节约水泥和钢材,降低造价 B.具有较好的保温隔热和隔声性能 C.具有良好的耐火性 D.施工工序单一,可连续施工 E.寒冷地区不易进








关于地下卷材防水施工,说法正确的有(  )。A.防水卷材搭接长度要求长边不少于100mm,短边不少于150mm B.在立面与平面转角处,卷材的接缝应在立面上 C

关于地下卷材防水施工,说法正确的有(  )。A.防水卷材搭接长度要求长边不少于100mm,短边不少于150mm B.在立面与平面转角处,卷材的接缝应在立面上 C
