填空题:回答题:Dear Manager,I am writing to you to complain about the

Dear Manager,
I am writing to you to complain about the service in your hotel. I had a terrible stay in room 2532 of Orange
Hotel from the 16th to the 19th in March 2009 when I came to Beijing on business.
Firstly, the air conditioner in my room could not operate properly. I asked your front house manager for help and she told me she would send someone to my room to check it immediately. No one came. As a result,I was very cold every time I was in the room.
Secondly, I found the bathroom was dirty and the hot water was always warm.Thirdly, the noise at night was extremely loud and I found it difficult to sleep. I hope you will give immediate attention to the service in your hotel.
Yours faithfully,
John Smith
Why does the man write the letter?
To __________ about the service in the hotel.

违约的免责事由不包括(  )。

违约的免责事由不包括(  )。A.受害人的过错 B.损害事实 C.免责条款 D.不可抗力


我国《合同法》规定,当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担(  )的违约责任。

我国《合同法》规定,当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担(  )的违约责任。A.违约损害赔偿 B.继续履行 C.支付违约金 D.支付保


合同履行的原则包括(  )。

合同履行的原则包括(  )。A.可预见原则 B.公开原则 C.全面履行原则 D.诚实信用原则 E.公正原则


要约邀请的典型形式有(  )。

要约邀请的典型形式有(  )。A.寄送的价目表 B.拍卖公告 C.招标公告 D.招股说明书 E.投标书


下列选项中,(  )发生在当事人已经有实际交付标的物或价金的场合。

下列选项中,(  )发生在当事人已经有实际交付标的物或价金的场合。A.折价补偿 B.返还财产 C.赔偿损失 D.追缴财产
