How many methods are used to transport drugs? How many methods are used to transport drugs?A.As many as a smuggler can think o 分类:综合类 题型:单选题 查看答案
The first reason given to explain why mountaineers hatetalus The first reason given to explain why mountaineers hatetalus is__________A.that 分类:综合类 题型:单选题 查看答案
We were astonished to hear that their football teamhad won t We were astonished to hear that their football teamhad won the champion.A.amazed 分类:综合类 题型:单选题 查看答案
2下列哪个特点不是滚动计划法的优点() 2下列哪个特点不是滚动计划法的优点() A、 计划更切合实际 B、 长、中、短计划相互衔接 C、 有利于考核 D、 加强了计划的弹性 分类:综合类 题型:单选题 查看答案
在下列各账户中,需要在年末将余额过入新帐簿的有( )。(本题1.0分) A、 应收帐款 B、 待摊费 在下列各账户中,需要在年末将余额过入新帐簿的有( )。(本题1.0分) A、 应收帐款 B、 待摊费用 C、 银行存款 D、 预提费用 分类:综合类 题型:单选题 查看答案