选择题:10. (阅读理解题)Generation N is also challenging societ

10. (阅读理解题)Generation N is also challenging society’s traditional ideas about love, marriage and children. Researchers __(1)__ that Gen N’s are more individualistic. They want their own personal space and freedom. This is resulting __(2)__ many people choosing to marry later, or not at all. One marketing and research company discovered the__(3)__attitude among Gen N’s: There’s no need to marry if you can lead a happy and independent life __(4)__ . For those __(5)__ do marry, they’re waiting until they’re older. They’re also choosing to have children later. Many Gen N’s come __(6)__ homes where both parents work. This has made them the generation with more disposable income than any other. And marketers haven’t lost __(7)__ of this fact. These days, __(8)__ from cell phones to credit cards is marketed directly toward Generation N. As a group, they enthusiastically welcome rapidly changing technology. And they eagerly buy and use the newest products. Unfortunately, Gen N’s also have a great willingness to buy on credit. They worry __(9)__about going __(10)__ debt than previous generations.
(1). (本题0.0分)
A、 said
B、 says
C、 stated
D、 state

18. (单项选择)绝对压力p,真空pv,环境压力pa间的关系为()。( )(本题2.0分) A、

18. (单项选择)绝对压力p,真空pv,环境压力pa间的关系为()。( )(本题2.0分) A、 p+pv+pa=0 B、 p-pv+pa=0 C、 p-pv


45. (判断题) COM对象有两种类型接口,即标准接口和用户接口。 ( )(本题2.0分) A、

45. (判断题) COM对象有两种类型接口,即标准接口和用户接口。 ( )(本题2.0分) A、 正确 B、 错误


下列属于专业技术类岗位的是( )。

下列属于专业技术类岗位的是( )。a.国家安全部门的特种技术b.公安部门的法医鉴定c.海关的商品归类d.外交部门的高级翻译


26. 数学表达式sin30°写成VB的表达式为(本题2.0分) A、 sin30 B、 sin(3

26. 数学表达式sin30°写成VB的表达式为(本题2.0分) A、 sin30 B、 sin(30) C、 sin(30°) D、 sin(30*3.14/
