关于胃溃疡的临床特点,不正确的是( ) 关于胃溃疡的临床特点,不正确的是( )A.进餐后30-60分钟开始疼痛 B.进食后缓解 C.抗酸药物不明显 D.压痛点位于剑突与脐间的正中线 E.易复发、出血 分类:初级 题型:简答题 查看答案
Look at the notes below.Some information is missing.You will Look at the notes below.Some information is missing.You will hear a dialogue o 分类:初级 题型:简答题 查看答案
When did he become the Director of Sales? When did he become the Director of Sales?A.1985 B.1958 C.1986. 分类:初级 题型:简答题 查看答案
胃癌根治术后顽固性呃逆的护理,下列不正确的是( ) 胃癌根治术后顽固性呃逆的护理,下列不正确的是( )A.立刻拔除胃管 B.压迫眶上缘 C.穴位针灸 D.让病人放松 E.遵医嘱给予镇静或解痉药 分类:初级 题型:简答题 查看答案
Why does the author mention stuffed drug smugglers? Why does the author mention stuffed drug smugglers?A.Because they Can attack w 分类:初级 题型:简答题 查看答案