单选题:根据下列短文,回答题。 I switched on the TV and there they were again—t

I switched on the TV and there they were again—the next crop of Miss World/Miss Universe candidates.The same practiced smiles,the same waving hands,the same hosts with their unreal crossbreed accents—the same.
Yes.the show goes on.No time to enjoy the glory of the last set of titles.It’s time to prepare for me next.Our Assembly Line is in place.It takes a whole year to prepare for the Miss World/Miss Universe contest.And the young hopefuls give it their disciplined best almost as if they were preparing themselves for an ⅡT entrance test or the Civil Services exam.
So what,s wrong with that?If one set of kids can further their genetically gifted intellect,why can’t another set further a similarly gifted set of physical attributes?If brainy kids go to coaching classes.why Can,t the pretty ones go to physical trainers?If cosmetic surgery,dental cares,balanced diets and workout sessions produce a happier,healthier and more self-confident woman who can take the world in her stride,perhaps that’s the way to go.
Yes.we had just begun to accept it all.We had just begun to create the slots for the brainy ones and the beauties.And then,suddenly we got a Mrs.World Aditi Gowatrikar with her dreamy green eyes. Brainy.beautiful and a wonderful wife and mother to boot.The mother of a two。Year‘old who is also a doctor and a super model.
Yes.Aditi has shown US that it is possible to do it all.But can she really be a symbol of Indian
womanhood as some carried—away journalists and event managers have suggested?Is she the modem day Mother India?The one who can inspire the thousands of mothers and wives to break out of the petty confines of the roles they are forced to play?Will she find an echo among all those working-women dealing with families,bosses and unsupportive husbands?To most women.the world of Aditi Gowatrikar would seem like a different planet.
The repeated scene of beauty contests on TV makes the writer __________. A.thoughtful



第35题答案为:A.analyzing B.applying C.following D.forecasting


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根据上述分析,人力资源部建议酒店管理施行以 下正确措施(  )A.酒店为所有签订劳动合同职工建立养老和医疗保险.解除员工后顾之忧 B.对具备高亲和需要的员工予以


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符合斯坎伦计划主张的有(  )。 A.组织应结合为一体,不可分崩离析 B.员工有能力而且意愿贡献他们的想法和建议 C.效率提高后所增加的获利,应与员工共同分享


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投标文件中的大写金额和小写金额不一致时,修正此错误的原则是(  )。 A.以大写金额为准 B.以金额高者为准 C.以小写金额为准 D.以金额低者为准


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以扩大分项工程或扩大结构构件为对象编制的定额是(  )。 A.概算定额 B.施工定额 C.预算定额 D.概算指标
