多选题:根据《担保法》的规定,下列单位或组织不能担任保证人的有( )。 题目分类:个人贷款 题目类型:多选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 根据《担保法》的规定,下列单位或组织不能担任保证人的有( )。 A.某大学 B.某市财政局 C.某国有企业 D.某证券公司 E.某三甲医院 参考答案: 答案解析:
以下不属于银行市场环境分析中微观环境分析的有( )。 以下不属于银行市场环境分析中微观环境分析的有( )。A.客户的信贷需求和信贷动机 B.政治环境 C.法律环境 D.信贷资金的供求状况 E.银行同业竞争对手的实 分类:个人贷款 题型:多选题 查看答案
A Canadian researcher reported that more than seventy-five p A Canadian researcher reported that more than seventy-five percent female charac 分类:个人贷款 题型:多选题 查看答案
A media activist concludes that many women accept these form A media activist concludes that many women accept these formulaic images complet 分类:个人贷款 题型:多选题 查看答案
Conversation TwoQuestions are based on the conversation you Conversation TwoQuestions are based on the conversation you have just heard.A.H 分类:个人贷款 题型:多选题 查看答案
What can be inferred about opera? What can be inferred about opera?A.It requires formal training. B.It is often en 分类:个人贷款 题型:多选题 查看答案