单选题:回答题:Although the women’s rights movement in the United State

Although the women’s rights movement in the United States is thought of as it recent development,its beginnings date back over one hundred and seventy years At that time women were de-pendents in the eyes of the law,and they did not have the rights of adults.A woman had no property rights,even over what she had got it from her mother or fatter or over any wages that she earned.Decisions about family matters and about the children wt re made byher husband。the“head of the family”.
The first publicprotests(请愿)against the low position of W013 en were madein the l830s.In1848 the leaders of this movement(someof whom were for antisla、ery(反对奴隶制)activities aswell)assembled the first Women’s Rights Convention,demanding equality.In this struggle aswellas in the long,hard fight for women’s vote,those who took part i a the activities were laughed atand insulted(侮辱).They were said to be immoral(违反伦理的),and their ideas were considereddangerousto society.
Nevertheless by 1900women had won the right to vote in sevel al states:andin l920 the Nine-teenth Amendment to the Constitution granted them the right tovote tl roughout the I lnited States.Bvthe time manywomen were attending college,and increasing nm;tbers were enlering professionswhich had before been forbidden towomen.A little number of w)men even he d highacademicand government positions.In spite of all thisprogress,“career women”were largely restricted(受限制)to teaching,nursing,and office work.
The Women’s Liberation movement, whichdeveloped during the l960s,has focused on eco—nomic rights such as“ equal pay for equal work”. Inaddition some groups have stressed psycholo-gical and social equality.The main purpose of Women’s Liberation to free women from there-stricted role which society has given to them.Itseeks to enable them to choose between a career and the home or to choose thetw0.It claims that society as a whole would benefit ifevery person was allowed to develop his or her abilities and use them to thefull.Women’s Liberation believes that the statement inthe United States Declaration of Independence,“all menare created equal ”real—ly means“ all human beings are created equal”.
We know from this passage that__________over one hundredseventy years ago. A.no women worked outside their homes
B.women were considered as children by thelaw
C.women cared nothing about how theirfamily lives were
D.women were not allowed to decide how to spend their money or how to teach children


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如果想在已建立的“tSalary”表的数据表视图中直接显示出姓“李”的记录,应使用Access提供的(  )。 A.筛选功能 B.排序功能 C.查询功能 D.报


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一棵二叉树中共有70个叶子结点与80个度为1的结点,则该二叉树中的总结点数为(  )。 A.219 B.221 C.229 D.231
