MemoT0:All the Staff
From:Mr.Mendels,the Personnel Manager Date:Dec 15,2008
Subject:The granting of annual leave in the coming year
To help you plan your annual leave,1 would like tO clarify the company’S policies as follows:
You should apply at least two weeks in advance if you intend to take leave longerthan l4 days;you should submit your proposes on how your duties Can be shared by others.We expect five rush periods next year and we need to set a quote ofleaves for each.
1 Jan to15 Jan—Maximum leaves,5:5 Feb t020 Feb—Maximum,4;20 Mar t030 Mar—Maximum,6;1 May to 10 May-Maximum,5;15 Dec t024 Dec—Maximum,2.
Applications for leaves during rush periods will be granted on first—come‘first—served basisuntil the quom is filled.
T0:Allthe Staff
From:Mr.Mendels,the Personnel Manager
Subject:The46__________ 0f annual leave in the coming year
Purpose:Help all the staff plan 47__________
Company policies:
For longer than two weeks leave,apply at least48__________in advance.
Submit your 49__________0nhow your duties Can be shared with others.
Five50__________0f leave for five expected rush periods.
First—come—first—go policy,until the quota is filled.