单选题:根据下列短文,回答题。 Amongst the most popular books written today are

Amongst the most popular books written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are 26 every year and are read by all kinds of people.27,some of the most successful films of recent years have been 28 0n science fiction stories.
It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new 29 in literature,but its ancestors can be 30 in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned 31 the presentation of some form of ideal society,a 32 which is still often found in modern stories.
Most of the classics of science fiction, 33 ,have been written within the last one hundred years.Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to 34 just two well—known authors,have been translated into many languages.
Modern science fiction writers don’t write about men from Mars or space adventure stories.They are more interested in 35 the results of technical developments on society and the human mind;or in 36 future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. 37 this,their writing has obvious, 38 implications.
In an age where scientific fact frequently 39 science fiction,the writers may find it difficult It to keep 40 scientific advances.Those who are 41 clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable 42 0n how to deal with the problems which society will 43 face as it tries to 44 its new technology and come to terms with a continually 45 view of the world.
第26题答案为: A.presented


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在实际工作中,工程造价对比分析应主要分析的内容不包括(  )。 A.考核主要实物工程量 B.考核建设单位管理费、措施费和间接费的取费标准 C.考核主要材料消耗量


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缺陷责任期一般为(  ),具体可由发承包双方在合同中约定。 A.6个月 B.12个月 C.18个月 D.24个月 E.48个月


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下列行为,属于要约邀请的有(  )。

下列行为,属于要约邀请的有(  )。 A.拍卖公告 B.招股说明书 C.商业广告 D.招标公告 E.悬赏广告
