多选题:对于以具体数据方式为指标的因子分值计算,可以通过位序标准化或极值标准化方式来实现,如( )等因素对应因子分值计算。 题目分类:土地估价实务基础 题目类型:多选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 对于以具体数据方式为指标的因子分值计算,可以通过位序标准化或极值标准化方式来实现,如( )等因素对应因子分值计算。 参考答案: 答案解析:
If you follow the advice in the passage , after a few days y If you follow the advice in the passage , after a few days you__________ find yo 分类:土地估价实务基础 题型:多选题 查看答案
But some books would cost more than I have.But I didn't_____ But some books would cost more than I have.But I didn't_______to buy some books 分类:土地估价实务基础 题型:多选题 查看答案