选择题:Directions: Translate the following passages into

Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese. 1、Hybrid rice(杂交水稻) has the advantage of being stronger than conventional rice
because they have a developed root system, which are both thick and long,reaching deep and wide thus having a strong absorption capacity. Its nutrient
accumulation and transmission are more coordinated, contributing to its drought resistance. Due to the strong root system, the part of hybrid rice above
the ground has strong stems and strong regeneration ability. At the same time, the leaf color is dark, the green leaves are broad and thick and large.

造成患者轻度残疾.器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍的是哪级医疗事故( )

造成患者轻度残疾.器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍的是哪级医疗事故( ) A. 一级 B. 二级 C. 三级 D. 四级 E. O级


4.下面句子有语病的是( )。 A.会议是在酷热的气温中召开的B.这样的活动乐意使农民接受C.这个季

4.下面句子有语病的是( )。 A.会议是在酷热的气温中召开的B.这样的活动乐意使农民接受C.这个季度亏损减少了两倍D.三个质量管理小组分获一、二、三等奖,奖金
