单选题:Questions refer to the following article and memo.Workplace

Questions refer to the following article and memo.
Workplace Health Tips
When you hear the words"workplace health", what do you think of it? Your associations with this phrase are most likely negative: stress, eyestrain, muscle soreness, etc. In fact, over eighty percent of workers complain of some type of health problem related to their job. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here are some simple tips on how to alleviate a few of the most common workplace ailments.
You've susceptible to stress no matter what you job is. It's one of the toughest conditions to beat, and it' s also one of the most serious. The best thing you can do if you experience frequent or severe stress is to talk to your supervisor. There may be ways to rearrange your schedule or adjust your responsibilities so that you don't feel so overwhelmed. During the milder onset of stress, take repeated deep breaths, which will help you to calm down and confront the situation.
In addition to causing damage to the eyes, spending too much time in front of the computer can lead to headaches, muscle soreness, and general, irritability. To minimize these problems,remember to take regular breaks away from your computer. Experts recommend looking away from the screen for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Also, ensure that your computer screen is clean and well positioned.
General Discomfort:
For those of us with office jobs, we spend most of our day sitting down. Remember to stand up, walk around, or take a short break so often to keep your muscles from becoming too tight.
From: Alberto Martinez
TO: Dawn Bojanic
Subject: Tips for improving workplace health
I just read a great article in Living Today Magazine on tips for improving workplace health. I think we should distribute it to other managers and have them pass it along to their team members.
The information concerning computer monitors was particularly interesting. I often experience eyestrain and headaches, and the tips in the article seem like they could really help.
I have a copy of the article if you need one. Why don't you look it over and let me know what you think?
What is the main topic of the article? A.The results of a survey on workplace health
B.Ways to relieve health problems at work
C.The health risks associated with stress
D.Technologies that improve workplace health


Questions refer to the following advertisement and fax messa

Questions refer to the following advertisement and fax message.The Lynndale Spr



选择固定桥基牙时,下列哪一项最不重要 A.基牙的支持力 B.基牙必须是活髓牙 C.基牙的松动度 D.基牙的共同就位道 E.基牙的支持能力


关于我国的同业拆借,下列叙述正确的是(  )。

关于我国的同业拆借,下列叙述正确的是(  )。A.拆借双方仅限于商业银行 B.同业资金以商业银行的存款准备金担保 C.上海银行间同业拆放利率于2007年正式运行


甲向乙借10万元钱,双方约定年利率为5%,按复利方式计息,2年后归还,届时甲向乙支付利息(  )元。

甲向乙借10万元钱,双方约定年利率为5%,按复利方式计息,2年后归还,届时甲向乙支付利息(  )元。A.10000 B.10250 C.10500 D.1075



下列决定固定义齿基牙数目的因素中错误的是 A.基牙牙槽骨的密度 B.基牙牙周膜面积 C.缺隙的长度 D.咬合力大小 E.牙槽嵴丰满度
